Why Small Business Loans Were Easier To Get In 2018

Small businesses are popping up everywhere you look – on your local high street, in pop up shops and more importantly online. Of course, to start a small business, you need to have the proper funding or else it isn’t going to be successful. In 2018, we saw a lot more small businesses due to the fact that small business loans seemed to be easier to get. Here, we are going to discuss why this was the case. Keep reading to find out more.

Online Lending

In the past, getting your hands on a small business loan would have meant either making a lot of phone calls or visiting your local bank. Of course, these days, potential business owners can log onto a loan finder website and access many different types of start up business loans. Now that millennials are the people that are setting up businesses, the focus has shifted to doing this online as this generation are more comfortable in using online services to their advantage. This has meant an increase in small business loans and more businesses being launched in 2018.

More Confidence

Another important reason why small business loans were easier to get in 2018 was due to the fact that there was a lot more confidence in small businesses and their potential. This is due to a better economy and the increase in profits for existing small businesses around the world. Banks are showing their confidence in this type of business and approving more loans in total giving more small business owners the chance to succeed. There is more optimism for this field and this is expected to continue throughout 2019.

Online Banking

The final reason why you might have found 2018 a better year for getting a small business loan is that online banking has approved vastly. Previously, you might have had to go into a bank branch to get a small business loan but with the increase in online banking, you can do this online. This is a massive step for banks and more people are taking advantage of the fact that they can apply online. With the convenience aspect of this, it is expected that 2019 will see more banks moving to online banking and more people being able to access small business loans.

Final Thoughts

It is clear that small business loans were much easier to get in 2018 than in previous years and this is expected to be the trend for future years. Small businesses are popping up due to having access to funding and more information about these types of loans circulating. Anyone thinking about starting their own small business can log onto a site and get loan offers within minutes, often without affecting their credit score. Look out for an increase in the number of small business loans that are given you in the coming year as confidence in these businesses grows and banking becomes much more convenient.